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English translation for "program output"


Related Translations:
outputs:  产出
output:  n.1.产量;生产,出产,产品。2.【医学】(粪便以外的)排泄物;排泄量。3.【电学】发电力,输出功率;供给量。4.输出信号。短语和例子monthly output 月产量。 the output of a factory 工厂产品。 the literary output of the year 当年文艺作品。 a sudden output of effort 奋发。
output output:  感情的发泄口
Example Sentences:
1.Number of hours of news programming output
2.Example program output
3.Jester determines if the tests succeed by checking what s been printed , so program output to
4.Figure 1 shows what the start program output looks like when run on a windows 2000 box
图1显示了当在windows 2000设备上运行时start程序的输出外观:
5.The program output demonstrates that this function gets executed by the native takescallback function
6.Listing 8 gives the output generated by this trace configuration without the client program output , which stays the same
清单8给出了这个跟踪配置生成的输出(不带客户机程序输出,那些没有改变) :
7.Also , i must be able to insert blocks of code , and it would be great if actual user input could somehow be offset from program output
8.Strong understanding of the current technologies and global analysis and reporting environments to utilize them for efficient delivery of programming outputs
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